Finding the “Perfect” College Fit Starts with Asking the Right Questions

Many students and parents suffer great anxiety about finding and getting into the “perfect” college. But what is perfect for one student may not be perfect for another. It’s important to take time during high school to think about what the ideal college experience for you looks like and make your decisions from there.

To help you get started here are some common questions that we encourage students and parents to ask themselves as they begin their college search.

7 Questions to Ask About Your Perfect College

  1. Do I have a preference for 2 year vs. 4 year colleges?target
  2. Is location important? Consider distance from home, geographic location, and rural/suburban/urban settings.
  1. What size of college would I be comfortable attending? What feel do I want my college to have?
  1. Is cost a consideration? Are financial aid and/or scholarships available to me?
  1. Do I have a clear idea of the major I want to pursue? Does the college offer fields/subjects that interest me?
  1. What type of setting do I see myself enjoying? What kind of extra-curricular activities interest you?
  1. What kind of academic environment works best for me? Do you work better in a large, anonymous setting or in small groups? What level of support and involvement do I want from my professors?

It’s About Finding Your Perfect Fit

There are thousands of colleges out there and every one of them is unique and will deliver a different experience from another. Finding the perfect college does not come down to rankings, graduation rates, or any other stats you can look up online. It comes down to finding the right fit for you. The biggest thing to remember is that just like anything else, college is a tool to help you achieve your goals. A motivated student who attends a state school can be more successful than an unmotivated student who attends an Ivy League college. It all depends on what you do with the tools you have.

The best way to make those tools work for you is to place yourself in an environment where you personally will thrive. This is where introspection and self-discovery become vital to your college selection process. Once you figure out what makes you tick, we can work with that knowledge to put you in a college environment that will support you in your goals.

If you need assistance with creating a list of colleges that will fit your academic, personal, and financial needs, contact us.