Affordable University Consulting Packages

advising-lgThe goal of Lumiry Educational Consulting is to help your child find the best university fit for his or her academic goals as well as his or her personality. To accomplish this goal, it’s important to start thinking about university well before Senior year of high school. The student’s course selection, grades, and high school activities all play a role in the university admissions process. Our educational consultant can help ensure your student is making choices and course selections early in their high school career that support the end goal of gaining admittance to the university of their choice.

Lumiry offers several university consulting packages that are designed to provide you with your choice of tailored services, depending on your student’s age.

Junior/Senior Success

Now is the time to identify universities and start submitting applications. This comprehensive package for juniors (JC 1) and seniors (JC 2) provides students with the assistance and support they need to successfully navigate the applications process. The package includes:

  • Student Assessments
    • Career assessment based on student’s interests.
    • Assessment of school records, including review of standardized test results.
  • University Research
    • Investigation and evaluation of schools for potential placement.
    • Personalized university planning database access.
    • Development of initial list of potential schools and assistance with selection of schools to which the student will apply (maximum = 10 schools).
  • Communications
    • Ongoing communication with Student and Responsible Party(ies) (or other designated persons), school officials, and admission officers.
  • Coaching and Advice
    • Assistance with arrangement of, and preparation for, admission interviews.
    • Review of application materials prior to submission, including proofreading of essays or other writing supplements.
    • Assistance with review of admission offers and final decision.
  • Practical Assistance
    • Assistance with arrangement of campus visits.
    • Assistance with the financial aid/scholarship application process.
    • Assistance with completion of enrollment, housing, and orientation forms.

To learn more about our Junior/Senior Success Package,


Senior Rush

This package is great for seniors (JC 2) who are just starting to explore universities and want to position themselves for success in the application process. It includes:

  • The comprehensive Junior/Senior package above adjusted based on start of services during senior year (August 1 and beyond)

To learn more about our Senior Rush Package,


For 10th graders or Secondary 4 students, we delve deeper into career options and exploration to help students begin the process of identifying suitable areas of study. Narrowing down areas of study is beneficial for college planning. This package includes:

  • Continuation of the Identity package
  • Defining Your Values
  • Career Exploration

To learn more about our Exploration Package,


9th graders or Secondary 3 students are asked to start thinking about who they are, what they want to be, and where they want to go. As such, this package helps students develop their identity and position themselves for university. The package includes:

  • Continuation of the Transition package
  • What is my identity?
  • University positioning focused for 9th graders

To learn more about our Identity Package,


The move from 8th grade (secondary 2) to high school is an important transition for students. In this package, we help kids prepare for high school and start thinking about university.

  • Mindset training (transitioning from middle to high school)
  • University positioning for success (looking beyond the next four years)
  • Mapping a four-year plan (academically, socially, and financially)

To learn more about our Transition Package,

Additional Services

Additional services are available based on your needs. These can be purchased as standalone services or in addition to our standard packages.

Hourly Consultation Services for 8th through 12th grades
Hourly consultations are also available for our college planning services. I will help students on an as needed basis. Schedule a free 30 minute consult if you need hourly services.

Group Packages and Workshops (in person or webinar)
I can work with small groups or classes to provide information about the university admissions process and how to best prepare for it. Contact Lumiry Educational Consulting to discuss your needs in more detail.

Learn More About Our College Consulting Packages

Lumiry is here to help you. To learn more about university consulting packages, workshops, and presentations, contact us by: